Ash 1" x 8"
Grade: FAS S4S
This wood is sold by the Lineal Foot (LF).
COLOR: Sapwood is nearly white in color. The heartwood is pale brown, grayish brown, light brown, or pale yellow streaked with brown. The color may also be cream to very light brown, occasionally with a reddish tinge.
HARDNESS: Janka hardness of 1320 as compared to Red Oak's hardness of 1290.
GRAIN: The grain is bold, straight, moderately open with an occasional wavy pattern. Plainsawn boards usually have strong contrast in grain.
VARIATIONS WITHIN SPECIES AND GRADES: Sometimes confused with hickory; the zone of large pores is more distinctive in ash, similar to that of red oak.
SANDING: The wood is reported to have satisfactory sanding characteristics.
NAILING: A versatile wood that is easy to machine, plane, turn, glue and bore. Has little tendency to split when nailed.
FINISHING: The wood has good staining characteristics and is often finished in black. The wood has satisfactory varnishing qualities.
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