
Red Oak 5/4" x 6"
Grade: FAS S4S
This wood is sold by the Lineal Foot (LF).
COLOR: Heartwood and sapwood are similar, with sapwood lighter in color; most pieces have a reddish tone. Slightly redder than white oak.
HARDNESS: Janka hardness of 1290.
GRAIN: The wood is similar in general appearance to white oak, but with a slightly less pronounced figure due to the smaller rays. The wood is mostly straight grained, with a coarse texture.
VARIATIONS WITHIN SPECIES AND GRADES: More than 200 subspecies in North America; great variation in color and grain, depending on the origin of the wood and corresponding differences in growing seasons, Northern, Southern Appalachian red oak can all be divided into upland and lowland species. Because they grow more slowly, upland species generally have a more uniform grain pattern than lowland species, with more growth rings per inch.
SANDING: Sands well.
NAILING: Red oak machines, nails and screws well, although pre-boring is recommended.
FINISHING:Can be stained and polished to a good finish.